BIM Management
From SDEA_Engineering Solutions, we assist companies in coordinating and managing information for the successful completion of the project. We first analyse the processes that need to be performed by each team member. Second, we establish an order of workflows that allow effective collaboration and evolution of the project. The workflows are linked to the Common Data Environment.
A Common Data Environment CDE is the only source of information for the project whose functions are to collect, manage and disseminate all those relevant files that have been approved by the multidisciplinary teams. In the CDE different levels of access are established according to the roles: designer, authorizer, supplier, client, etc. The status of the information is monitored: Working, Shared, Published. Information suitability levels are also assigned: for coordination, for information, for internal review and comments, for construction acceptance, for costs, for bidding, for purchases / manufacturing, as built, etc.
We adapt the CDE, or create one, for the needs of the project or the company. We establish the necessary nomenclature for all files which will be the same structure for all participants. We carry out audits of BIM models evaluating their quality and the correct application of the established standards.